Friday, June 14, 2013

My Conversion Story

I officially became a "card-carrying Catholic" on April 7, 2012. It was truly THE best day of my entire life. It had been a very long journey but SO worth it!

After having been a practicing Wiccan for almost 18 years, I found myself at a crossroads in 2005. Wicca didn't feel right anymore. It stopped feeling like a part of me and became more like something out of a fairy tale, something that wasn't real, something that was now a waste of my time. I tried to shake off the feeling, but it was pretty persistent. There was no doubt in my mind that it was time to move on.

But move on to what?  Where do you turn when suddenly the only thing that meant anything to you now meant nothing?  I knew I wanted the TRUTH. I wanted something real. So I went searching for it. I attended a charismatic church with my family. I researched Christian Science. I had some Vaishnava friends who shared their experiences (and some of their mantras, too!). I looked into Buddhism. None of these things worked for me. I just wanted peace and truth. That's all. Why was it so hard to find??

I finally began learning about the Catholic faith through a friend of mine who was a Catholic convert and raising her family as Catholic. It intrigued me. I loved hearing about her praying the holy rosary (I bought one at a Christian book store, learned all the prayers that went with it and the Mysteries, then learned them all in Latin as well). I loved reading about the lives of the saints, many who had lived lives full of sin before changing and committing their lives to God). I loved the prayers. I loved how I could walk into a Catholic church and not have my eardrums busted by loud music, or a room full of theatrics, or an overly-animated preacher yelling from the pulpit. It felt like it was just me and God. It felt sacred. It felt right.

But more than anything else, I knew that with the Catholic Church, I had found the truth that I was looking for. The Catholic Church can rightfully claim apostolic succession from the current Pope all the way back to St. Peter, whom Christ had given the keys to the kingdom (if someone wants to argue this point, the burden of proof is on them ... let them do the research and they'll find that they wasted their time). The Catholic Church is the ONLY church that has ALL four marks of the one true church established by Christ Himself (these four marks are: one, catholic, holy and apostolic). The Catholic Church has held strong to her teachings since she was established, not just swaying and changing when society decides it's time to relax the rules of faith a little. Why?  Because these truths come from Christ himself, not someone who is twisting and interpreting the Scriptures to suit whatever works at the time. The Catholic Church is essentially going to be the same wherever you go in the world; there aren't congregations that break up and form their own churches and denominations just because they don't care for what the preacher is telling them. I love that sense of universality and solidarity. I love that we have a Pope to guide us in our faith. THIS was what I was looking for and once I found it, I never looked back.

I am the only one in my family who is Catholic. It was a big step to take. Some people laughed when I told them I was going to convert. Some mocked. Some went into tirades about the scandals of the Catholic Church (yes, we have disgraceful people in the Catholic Church just as in EVERY OTHER CHURCH). Some didn't believe I was serious. But thankfully, some supported me wholeheartedly as I walked this new journey of faith.

And so on April 7, 2012, I was baptized. I was confirmed (choosing St. Faustina as my confirmation saint). And I was finally able to receive Holy Communion, the real (not symbolic) Body and Blood of Christ. My past was no longer there to haunt me. I was a new person because of the love of God and the sacrifice of Christ. I found the truth and have never looked back. :)

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Friday, June 14, 2013

My Conversion Story

I officially became a "card-carrying Catholic" on April 7, 2012. It was truly THE best day of my entire life. It had been a very long journey but SO worth it!

After having been a practicing Wiccan for almost 18 years, I found myself at a crossroads in 2005. Wicca didn't feel right anymore. It stopped feeling like a part of me and became more like something out of a fairy tale, something that wasn't real, something that was now a waste of my time. I tried to shake off the feeling, but it was pretty persistent. There was no doubt in my mind that it was time to move on.

But move on to what?  Where do you turn when suddenly the only thing that meant anything to you now meant nothing?  I knew I wanted the TRUTH. I wanted something real. So I went searching for it. I attended a charismatic church with my family. I researched Christian Science. I had some Vaishnava friends who shared their experiences (and some of their mantras, too!). I looked into Buddhism. None of these things worked for me. I just wanted peace and truth. That's all. Why was it so hard to find??

I finally began learning about the Catholic faith through a friend of mine who was a Catholic convert and raising her family as Catholic. It intrigued me. I loved hearing about her praying the holy rosary (I bought one at a Christian book store, learned all the prayers that went with it and the Mysteries, then learned them all in Latin as well). I loved reading about the lives of the saints, many who had lived lives full of sin before changing and committing their lives to God). I loved the prayers. I loved how I could walk into a Catholic church and not have my eardrums busted by loud music, or a room full of theatrics, or an overly-animated preacher yelling from the pulpit. It felt like it was just me and God. It felt sacred. It felt right.

But more than anything else, I knew that with the Catholic Church, I had found the truth that I was looking for. The Catholic Church can rightfully claim apostolic succession from the current Pope all the way back to St. Peter, whom Christ had given the keys to the kingdom (if someone wants to argue this point, the burden of proof is on them ... let them do the research and they'll find that they wasted their time). The Catholic Church is the ONLY church that has ALL four marks of the one true church established by Christ Himself (these four marks are: one, catholic, holy and apostolic). The Catholic Church has held strong to her teachings since she was established, not just swaying and changing when society decides it's time to relax the rules of faith a little. Why?  Because these truths come from Christ himself, not someone who is twisting and interpreting the Scriptures to suit whatever works at the time. The Catholic Church is essentially going to be the same wherever you go in the world; there aren't congregations that break up and form their own churches and denominations just because they don't care for what the preacher is telling them. I love that sense of universality and solidarity. I love that we have a Pope to guide us in our faith. THIS was what I was looking for and once I found it, I never looked back.

I am the only one in my family who is Catholic. It was a big step to take. Some people laughed when I told them I was going to convert. Some mocked. Some went into tirades about the scandals of the Catholic Church (yes, we have disgraceful people in the Catholic Church just as in EVERY OTHER CHURCH). Some didn't believe I was serious. But thankfully, some supported me wholeheartedly as I walked this new journey of faith.

And so on April 7, 2012, I was baptized. I was confirmed (choosing St. Faustina as my confirmation saint). And I was finally able to receive Holy Communion, the real (not symbolic) Body and Blood of Christ. My past was no longer there to haunt me. I was a new person because of the love of God and the sacrifice of Christ. I found the truth and have never looked back. :)

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