Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm Too Blessed To Be Stressed!

God has been truly working in my life an awful lot lately. He has been removing some "friends" who I realized were no longer friends, and in their place, He has put wonderful, strong, loving Christian people. And you know what else? For every one "friend" that I lost, three more have taken their place. So I really haven't lost, I have GAINED threefold! He has brought old friends back into my life with a new and improved attitude, and I am so thankful. These are people I have truly missed having around! I am reminded of the old saying that every time God closes a door, He opens a window. This is so true. He always makes a way. He never leads you TO it if he isn't going to lead you THROUGH it.

I am continuing to pray for a lot of people these days. For my daughter to strengthen her faith most of all. She's at an age where everything is questioned and she has a hard time sometimes knowing where to stand. Plus, I haven't been the best example of a good Christian in the past. I've made a lot of mistakes. I just hope that she realizes that once you give your heart to Christ (which she has done), HE doesn't walk away. HE doesn't give up on us. HE doesn't stop believing in us even if we stop believing in Him. It's a lot like... when you have a child. No matter what that child does, you never stop loving them. You never stop hoping for the best. You never shut them out completely. You never walk away from them. It's the same with God. We are His children. He understands us when we're sad, or angry or confused. And it's okay to be sad, angry and confused even when you are a strong Christian! Let go of it, and let God handle it. It's okay to be angry at God for things -- vent away! He can take it, trust me! I read somewhere that whenever someone we love dies, the first one to cry isn't US... it's God. I believe that. I believe that He loves us SO much that to even try to measure it or explain it would be pointless. It's unending, forever and ever and ever. This... is what helps get me through sometimes. Knowing I'm not perfect, but God loves me anyway. Knowing that I can have doubts and God understands. Knowing that I'm going to screw up and make mistakes, and that if I am truly sorry and ask forgiveness, God WILL FORGIVE.

I can't stand it when people make God out to be an angry, horrible, judgmental God who only wants to sentence sinners. If God were really that way, He would never have sent Christ to suffer and die for us. We would have all suffered fates too horrible to mention. As it is, all throughout our lives, we have the chance to ask for forgiveness and make amends for things we do to offend God or to hurt each other. He gives us the chance to make things right. I denied Him and rejected Him for half of my life and now look! He blesses me every. single. day with amazing things and amazing people!

This morning I started saying a rosary for the souls in purgatory. It makes me feel good to pray for souls that have no one to pray for them. And I continue to say the "regular" rosary as well. I try to keep a running prayer list of people who have asked for prayers (and even those who haven't). I want everyone I know to know God and to allow Him to touch their hearts. When we all have our last day (and I'm not talking about the Rapture here), I want to be able to spend eternity with Christ and the saints and angels, and to have all of my friends and loved ones there with me! ;)

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Little Crushed In Spirit

I've committed myself to something tomorrow that TODAY, I don't feel like doing. Well, I don't feel like doing it TOMORROW. I'm just not in the correct mindset, I guess. I need to put things in perspective and figure out what I'm really irritated about. I guess that would be the fact that I don't like people assuming that I'll do things for them without them asking me first. Granted, I'd probably do them if they asked. But at least ASK.

I woke up around 5:00 this morning, grabbed my rosary from the headboard, laid in bed and prayed the rosary. It was beautiful, quiet and peaceful. There were no distractions, no noise, nothing to clutter my mind except my prayers. This is why I love the morning rosary. By the time I get out of bed, I feel amazing! Start the day off with prayer and you can't go wrong. ;)

I am continuing to try and be patient with my daughter and to pray for her. My sweet friend Kate pointed me in the direction of St. Monica as a good example of what I should do. I have realized that the more my daughter and I talk about Christ, the angrier she becomes because of the way she was treated in her last year of Christian school. She was ridiculed and embarrassed by both her teacher and the other students, and made to feel like she wasn't a Christian if she didn't subscribe to their EXACT beliefs within that school and particular church. She is holding on to that hurt and anger instead of trying to work through it and let it go. Sometimes I don't think people realize how their actions and words can turn people AWAY from Christ and have the opposite effect of what they want. This is why I'm going to try to bring my daughter back to Christ by prayers and actions instead of merely words.

It's been a long week -- thank God it's Friday! :o)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


There's been so much rain and yucky weather lately that the sunshine is such a blessing to see! And two days in a row, even! Wow! :o)

I have decided to give up wearing jeans and stick to wearing dresses and skirts. The more I read about it, the more I realize that women were MEANT to wear dresses, to dress like women and not men.

Deuteronomy 22:5:

A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.

It's going to take some getting used to because I'm used to throwing on some jeans, a blouse and heading out the door. I know I have some wonderful friends who have chosen to follow Deuteronomy 22:5 and have for a while now, so I know I'm not alone! :o) I'm also going to do the head covering, and I've actually got a few things coming in the mail any day now, plus a pattern so I can learn to make my own as well. I'm looking forward to it!

I know that this is going to be a big adjustment, not just for me, but for my family and friends also. This is something new and so "not me". I'm the one who wears things too tight, doesn't mind having purple hair from time to time, etc. I just have to keep myself focused on the only thing that matters and that is being more concerned with what Christ wants me to do than what everyone else thinks I should do. I'm hoping that it rubs off on my daughter as well, but that will have to happen in her own time. A good friend of mine pointed out to me yesterday that I have to be patient with her just as Jesus had to be patient with me for a long time before I took his hand and really started following him. Patience is something I need to pray about because I sure don't have a lot of it sometimes!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm Too Blessed To Be Stressed!

God has been truly working in my life an awful lot lately. He has been removing some "friends" who I realized were no longer friends, and in their place, He has put wonderful, strong, loving Christian people. And you know what else? For every one "friend" that I lost, three more have taken their place. So I really haven't lost, I have GAINED threefold! He has brought old friends back into my life with a new and improved attitude, and I am so thankful. These are people I have truly missed having around! I am reminded of the old saying that every time God closes a door, He opens a window. This is so true. He always makes a way. He never leads you TO it if he isn't going to lead you THROUGH it.

I am continuing to pray for a lot of people these days. For my daughter to strengthen her faith most of all. She's at an age where everything is questioned and she has a hard time sometimes knowing where to stand. Plus, I haven't been the best example of a good Christian in the past. I've made a lot of mistakes. I just hope that she realizes that once you give your heart to Christ (which she has done), HE doesn't walk away. HE doesn't give up on us. HE doesn't stop believing in us even if we stop believing in Him. It's a lot like... when you have a child. No matter what that child does, you never stop loving them. You never stop hoping for the best. You never shut them out completely. You never walk away from them. It's the same with God. We are His children. He understands us when we're sad, or angry or confused. And it's okay to be sad, angry and confused even when you are a strong Christian! Let go of it, and let God handle it. It's okay to be angry at God for things -- vent away! He can take it, trust me! I read somewhere that whenever someone we love dies, the first one to cry isn't US... it's God. I believe that. I believe that He loves us SO much that to even try to measure it or explain it would be pointless. It's unending, forever and ever and ever. This... is what helps get me through sometimes. Knowing I'm not perfect, but God loves me anyway. Knowing that I can have doubts and God understands. Knowing that I'm going to screw up and make mistakes, and that if I am truly sorry and ask forgiveness, God WILL FORGIVE.

I can't stand it when people make God out to be an angry, horrible, judgmental God who only wants to sentence sinners. If God were really that way, He would never have sent Christ to suffer and die for us. We would have all suffered fates too horrible to mention. As it is, all throughout our lives, we have the chance to ask for forgiveness and make amends for things we do to offend God or to hurt each other. He gives us the chance to make things right. I denied Him and rejected Him for half of my life and now look! He blesses me every. single. day with amazing things and amazing people!

This morning I started saying a rosary for the souls in purgatory. It makes me feel good to pray for souls that have no one to pray for them. And I continue to say the "regular" rosary as well. I try to keep a running prayer list of people who have asked for prayers (and even those who haven't). I want everyone I know to know God and to allow Him to touch their hearts. When we all have our last day (and I'm not talking about the Rapture here), I want to be able to spend eternity with Christ and the saints and angels, and to have all of my friends and loved ones there with me! ;)

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Little Crushed In Spirit

I've committed myself to something tomorrow that TODAY, I don't feel like doing. Well, I don't feel like doing it TOMORROW. I'm just not in the correct mindset, I guess. I need to put things in perspective and figure out what I'm really irritated about. I guess that would be the fact that I don't like people assuming that I'll do things for them without them asking me first. Granted, I'd probably do them if they asked. But at least ASK.

I woke up around 5:00 this morning, grabbed my rosary from the headboard, laid in bed and prayed the rosary. It was beautiful, quiet and peaceful. There were no distractions, no noise, nothing to clutter my mind except my prayers. This is why I love the morning rosary. By the time I get out of bed, I feel amazing! Start the day off with prayer and you can't go wrong. ;)

I am continuing to try and be patient with my daughter and to pray for her. My sweet friend Kate pointed me in the direction of St. Monica as a good example of what I should do. I have realized that the more my daughter and I talk about Christ, the angrier she becomes because of the way she was treated in her last year of Christian school. She was ridiculed and embarrassed by both her teacher and the other students, and made to feel like she wasn't a Christian if she didn't subscribe to their EXACT beliefs within that school and particular church. She is holding on to that hurt and anger instead of trying to work through it and let it go. Sometimes I don't think people realize how their actions and words can turn people AWAY from Christ and have the opposite effect of what they want. This is why I'm going to try to bring my daughter back to Christ by prayers and actions instead of merely words.

It's been a long week -- thank God it's Friday! :o)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


There's been so much rain and yucky weather lately that the sunshine is such a blessing to see! And two days in a row, even! Wow! :o)

I have decided to give up wearing jeans and stick to wearing dresses and skirts. The more I read about it, the more I realize that women were MEANT to wear dresses, to dress like women and not men.

Deuteronomy 22:5:

A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.

It's going to take some getting used to because I'm used to throwing on some jeans, a blouse and heading out the door. I know I have some wonderful friends who have chosen to follow Deuteronomy 22:5 and have for a while now, so I know I'm not alone! :o) I'm also going to do the head covering, and I've actually got a few things coming in the mail any day now, plus a pattern so I can learn to make my own as well. I'm looking forward to it!

I know that this is going to be a big adjustment, not just for me, but for my family and friends also. This is something new and so "not me". I'm the one who wears things too tight, doesn't mind having purple hair from time to time, etc. I just have to keep myself focused on the only thing that matters and that is being more concerned with what Christ wants me to do than what everyone else thinks I should do. I'm hoping that it rubs off on my daughter as well, but that will have to happen in her own time. A good friend of mine pointed out to me yesterday that I have to be patient with her just as Jesus had to be patient with me for a long time before I took his hand and really started following him. Patience is something I need to pray about because I sure don't have a lot of it sometimes!