Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fear Has No Business Here!

I was reading today's Scriptures and meditating on how Jesus said to the synagogue official, "Do not be afraid; just have faith." Do not be afraid -- just have faith!! How many of us can truly say that we do this every day? I sure can't! For example, when my loved ones go driving out in the torrential rains, I'm afraid that they'll be knocked off the road by someone less prepared to drive on wet roadways. When my daughter runs a high fever and every part of her body is aching, I am afraid that it may be something more than just a virus. I believe that we all fear something sometimes, but Jesus tells us to not be afraid and to TRUST, really trust, because all things are possible with God. ALL things, not just SOME things. Mark 9:23 tells us, "Jesus said to him, “‘If you can!’ Everything is possible to one who has faith.” This is reeeeeeally important because faith and trust go hand-in-hand. Never underestimate the power of God. Never convince yourself that your obstacles are bigger than God's love for you. And most of all, never allow anyone ELSE to convince you that there is anything God is incapable of doing or providing if He feels you need it. I know from firsthand experience that the times I have been totally desperate and have prayed about my needs, God not only provided for me, but He blessed me far more than I could have ever hoped for or asked for! God is loving and generous, so when Jesus says to not be afraid and just have faith, believe it! ;o)

From "A Simple Woman's Daybook" -

Outside my window... It's grey and breezy but not cold. It's pretty peaceful outside at the moment, nothing but cars off in the distance and birds chirping. =o)

I am thinking... about what to make for dinner. I'm thinking homemade pasta will be on the list!

I am thankful... for a beautiful daughter who has shown me how to love unconditionally.

In the kitchen... I have a sinkful of dishes from breakfast that I need to wash as well as sweep up and wipe down the counters. What have I been doing all morning? Calming a teething baby!

I am wearing... a red t-shirt and blue jeans. Comfy is the key for the day!

I am creating... a literary masterpiece with this blog. Just kidding!! ;o)

I am going... to try and squeeze a nap in at some point later. I didn't sleep well. I had a really creepy dream about demons and the souls of the dead being trapped in children's toys. I don't even know WHERE that came from!

I am wondering...if I will ever get child support or if I'll have to, once again, file on my ex in order to get it out of him.

I am reading... "A Woman's Place" by Lynn Austin. SOOO good!

I am hoping... that my sister and her children will love their new apartment!

I am looking forward to... having some peace and quiet around here

I am learning... Italian!

Around the house...we have too many toys and books. Looks like it's time to clear some out and donate them!

I am pondering...whether or not I should go on Pinterest. I usually get sucked in for way too long on that site!

A favorite quote for today... "At any given moment, you have the power to say: This is NOT how the story is going to end"

One of my favorite things... is curling up on my bed with the kitty and catching some Z's!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Organizing my bedroom closets, gathering up some essentials for my sister's new apartment and going to RCIA class tomorrow! ;o)

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fear Has No Business Here!

I was reading today's Scriptures and meditating on how Jesus said to the synagogue official, "Do not be afraid; just have faith." Do not be afraid -- just have faith!! How many of us can truly say that we do this every day? I sure can't! For example, when my loved ones go driving out in the torrential rains, I'm afraid that they'll be knocked off the road by someone less prepared to drive on wet roadways. When my daughter runs a high fever and every part of her body is aching, I am afraid that it may be something more than just a virus. I believe that we all fear something sometimes, but Jesus tells us to not be afraid and to TRUST, really trust, because all things are possible with God. ALL things, not just SOME things. Mark 9:23 tells us, "Jesus said to him, “‘If you can!’ Everything is possible to one who has faith.” This is reeeeeeally important because faith and trust go hand-in-hand. Never underestimate the power of God. Never convince yourself that your obstacles are bigger than God's love for you. And most of all, never allow anyone ELSE to convince you that there is anything God is incapable of doing or providing if He feels you need it. I know from firsthand experience that the times I have been totally desperate and have prayed about my needs, God not only provided for me, but He blessed me far more than I could have ever hoped for or asked for! God is loving and generous, so when Jesus says to not be afraid and just have faith, believe it! ;o)

From "A Simple Woman's Daybook" -

Outside my window... It's grey and breezy but not cold. It's pretty peaceful outside at the moment, nothing but cars off in the distance and birds chirping. =o)

I am thinking... about what to make for dinner. I'm thinking homemade pasta will be on the list!

I am thankful... for a beautiful daughter who has shown me how to love unconditionally.

In the kitchen... I have a sinkful of dishes from breakfast that I need to wash as well as sweep up and wipe down the counters. What have I been doing all morning? Calming a teething baby!

I am wearing... a red t-shirt and blue jeans. Comfy is the key for the day!

I am creating... a literary masterpiece with this blog. Just kidding!! ;o)

I am going... to try and squeeze a nap in at some point later. I didn't sleep well. I had a really creepy dream about demons and the souls of the dead being trapped in children's toys. I don't even know WHERE that came from!

I am wondering...if I will ever get child support or if I'll have to, once again, file on my ex in order to get it out of him.

I am reading... "A Woman's Place" by Lynn Austin. SOOO good!

I am hoping... that my sister and her children will love their new apartment!

I am looking forward to... having some peace and quiet around here

I am learning... Italian!

Around the house...we have too many toys and books. Looks like it's time to clear some out and donate them!

I am pondering...whether or not I should go on Pinterest. I usually get sucked in for way too long on that site!

A favorite quote for today... "At any given moment, you have the power to say: This is NOT how the story is going to end"

One of my favorite things... is curling up on my bed with the kitty and catching some Z's!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Organizing my bedroom closets, gathering up some essentials for my sister's new apartment and going to RCIA class tomorrow! ;o)

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