Thursday, February 10, 2011


Sometimes I feel like none of us are really getting anywhere. Wake up, rush around getting the kids off to school or daycare, go to work, run errands, come home, be too tired to want to do anything. Everyone has to have the latest gadgets to do their thinking for them or make their lives "easier" and the term "hard work" has truly lost its meaning for so many people.

I want life to be simple.

I want to have a life where I can put my family first and not have to stress and worry about bills and lack of money for this or that.

I want to be able to take my daughter (or myself) to the doctor when I want to, ANY doctor that I want to, and not have to have some dorky little card with that doctor's name on it because that was one of a small handful of doctors that I got to choose from.

I want to be able to feed my child healthy food that I don't have to go into debt buying (and no, I can't plant a garden here in this apartment complex, unfortunately). The healthy stuff is expensive, the junk food is cheap. We're all just trying to get through the week.

I want to sit down in front of the television with my child and not have to be embarrassed at the utter crap that's on nowadays. And I'm not just talking about the shows, I'm talking about the commercials as well. It's a shame that trash sells and it only sells because people continue to buy.

I want things to be simple, calm and peaceful. I want people to appreciate each other and to help one another instead of wondering what someone else can do for them all the time. I want there to be more thank-yous, more common courtesy, more respect for one another. We are running ourselves into the ground. Running and running and going nowhere.

Take a good look at your life -- are you where you want to be?

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Thursday, February 10, 2011


Sometimes I feel like none of us are really getting anywhere. Wake up, rush around getting the kids off to school or daycare, go to work, run errands, come home, be too tired to want to do anything. Everyone has to have the latest gadgets to do their thinking for them or make their lives "easier" and the term "hard work" has truly lost its meaning for so many people.

I want life to be simple.

I want to have a life where I can put my family first and not have to stress and worry about bills and lack of money for this or that.

I want to be able to take my daughter (or myself) to the doctor when I want to, ANY doctor that I want to, and not have to have some dorky little card with that doctor's name on it because that was one of a small handful of doctors that I got to choose from.

I want to be able to feed my child healthy food that I don't have to go into debt buying (and no, I can't plant a garden here in this apartment complex, unfortunately). The healthy stuff is expensive, the junk food is cheap. We're all just trying to get through the week.

I want to sit down in front of the television with my child and not have to be embarrassed at the utter crap that's on nowadays. And I'm not just talking about the shows, I'm talking about the commercials as well. It's a shame that trash sells and it only sells because people continue to buy.

I want things to be simple, calm and peaceful. I want people to appreciate each other and to help one another instead of wondering what someone else can do for them all the time. I want there to be more thank-yous, more common courtesy, more respect for one another. We are running ourselves into the ground. Running and running and going nowhere.

Take a good look at your life -- are you where you want to be?

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