Saturday, August 14, 2010


I am truly so blessed beyond what I deserve. Each day, no matter what happens, there is always at least one blessing that was unexpected. I was so angry and upset on Thursday about something, but by the end of the day, I was fine with it. I was talking to my Mama about it over the phone and found myself saying, "It's going to be fine." Really? It's going to be fine? Where did that even come from considering ten minutes before that, the first words out of my mouth before I even said hello were, "Mama, please tell me that my head is NOT about to explode!" Our sweet and wonderful Lord has a way of calming that fire down inside, doesn't He? As soon as the words, "it's going to be fine" left my mouth, I truly believed that they would be. God has never let me down before. I have said it over and over again that my main issue is my lack of patience in these matters. If it's something that upsets me, it's like I take leave of my senses temporarily and have no patience at all. God is probably looking down on me, shaking His head and wondering, "Where is your faith, girl?" It reminds me a lot of Mark 4:40 where it says, "Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" I have no doubt that God is testing my patience because He knows that this is a major thing I need to work on right now.

I had such a wonderful surprise last night. I found out that a friend of mine had gifted me with a paid subscription to a website that I use frequently because my subscription had expired the day before. He told me he could afford to do so and that he was happy to do it because he enjoyed reading the things I wrote, that there were no strings attached and not to even think about paying him back, it was a gift. To say my heart was bursting with his thoughtful gesture would be an understatement. I am so thankful for people like him who are in my life, who do things out of the kindness of their hearts. It helps me to strive to be more like them. They are wonderful reminders of God's love for us and the love we should have for each other!

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the many blessings that you bring to my life. Help me to stay patient and strong in times of adversity and weakness. Thank you for staying by my side even when I don't always do the right things. Please continue to work on me and help me to be a better person in all ways so that all that I do may glorify You. Amen.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010


I am truly so blessed beyond what I deserve. Each day, no matter what happens, there is always at least one blessing that was unexpected. I was so angry and upset on Thursday about something, but by the end of the day, I was fine with it. I was talking to my Mama about it over the phone and found myself saying, "It's going to be fine." Really? It's going to be fine? Where did that even come from considering ten minutes before that, the first words out of my mouth before I even said hello were, "Mama, please tell me that my head is NOT about to explode!" Our sweet and wonderful Lord has a way of calming that fire down inside, doesn't He? As soon as the words, "it's going to be fine" left my mouth, I truly believed that they would be. God has never let me down before. I have said it over and over again that my main issue is my lack of patience in these matters. If it's something that upsets me, it's like I take leave of my senses temporarily and have no patience at all. God is probably looking down on me, shaking His head and wondering, "Where is your faith, girl?" It reminds me a lot of Mark 4:40 where it says, "Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?" I have no doubt that God is testing my patience because He knows that this is a major thing I need to work on right now.

I had such a wonderful surprise last night. I found out that a friend of mine had gifted me with a paid subscription to a website that I use frequently because my subscription had expired the day before. He told me he could afford to do so and that he was happy to do it because he enjoyed reading the things I wrote, that there were no strings attached and not to even think about paying him back, it was a gift. To say my heart was bursting with his thoughtful gesture would be an understatement. I am so thankful for people like him who are in my life, who do things out of the kindness of their hearts. It helps me to strive to be more like them. They are wonderful reminders of God's love for us and the love we should have for each other!

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the many blessings that you bring to my life. Help me to stay patient and strong in times of adversity and weakness. Thank you for staying by my side even when I don't always do the right things. Please continue to work on me and help me to be a better person in all ways so that all that I do may glorify You. Amen.

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